Simply too good to throw away

Simply too good to throw away

Norbert gundelach

for twelve years now, the couple steffi and freddy greubel have been running a trodele store in mainstrabe. "The idea to open my own troll store came to me when i visited the ‘wuhlkiste’ in eltmann. But we don’t see ourselves as a competitor to the ‘wuhlkiste’ stores in the district, and we never wanted to be", tells steffi greubel.
"Nowadays, people throw away so many things that were still usable. We want to help people who don’t have the money to buy something new", explains steffi greubel. When her husband then retired, she put her dream into practice.

Rough storage space

In the property in the mainstrabe the parents of freddy greubel formerly ran a small farm. The barn and stables have now been converted into storage rooms. The 400-square-meter warehouse is full to bursting with products.
What is stored there for sale, can not be fully paid for here. Mainly furniture, household goods, tableware, china, carpets, clothing, tools, lamps, bicycles and much more.
"It all seems messy at first glance, but we still know exactly where to look for and find what", remarks the 55-year-old with a smile. The merchandise comes to a large extent from household lots. "In the event of a death, for example, or when an apartment has to be given up, the descendants and tenants are happy to have someone take care of the apartment. We clean the rooms and in return we get the furnishings as a gift. So far I have always found what I am looking for. But I have not yet found a treasure", says freddy greubel and laughs. "Sometimes people bring me something. They regret throwing away their things that can still be used."

Predominantly regular customers

It is obvious to the couple that they are having fun with their business. "I like to do it, even if it doesn’t make me rich – today I’ve already earned two euros, freddy remarks mischievously. "The other day, a boy came to me for a bicycle for ten euros. He was happy, and so was I, because I had made him happy!"
Most of his customers are regulars. But occasionally tourists or cyclists from the nearby maintal cycle path also stray into the store.
Currently, especially the cake buffets from the 50s and 60s and ornate picture frames are in demand. Even antiquities dealers from bamberg regularly came to eltmann in search of a rarity, the couple recounts. "Steffi’s trodel barn" is open on weekdays from 2 to 6 p.M.
Even if you don’t find anything you need during your visit, there’s plenty to see and discover in the trodelscheune.