The district office informs

As in previous years, world AIDS day is on october 1. December under the motto "living together positively. The campaign against discrimination is being implemented by the federal center for health education (BZGA) in partnership with the federal ministry of health (BMG), german AIDS aid (DAH) and the german AIDS foundation (DAS).
Anyone who wants to know more can drop by the district office in forchheim. In the foyer there will be from friday, 24. November, until friday, 1. December, during regular opening hours, a small exhibition with current data and information on HIV and aids can be seen. If you have any further questions or need advice, please contact the health office in forchheim.
Thanks to modern medications, most of the 87,000 people with HIV/AIDS in germany have an almost normal life expectancy and can usually live well with HIV. Timely diagnosis and the earliest possible start of treatment are important in this respect. HIV treatment has become increasingly simple, effective and contractual. Often one pill a day is enough. According to a press release from the district administration office, the therapy has hardly any effect on everyday life.

Rejection and exclusion

For many HIV-positive people, rejection, exclusion and fear of being infected are more serious than the health consequences themselves. The constant hiding makes them "sick". There are still whispers behind the backs of people with HIV, some doctors refuse treatment, and in some cases even jobs are in jeopardy. This is often due to prejudice, ignorance and unfounded fears of contagion.
Only one thing helps: talk about it. There is no risk of transmission at work, in everyday life and during leisure time. And even in love, the risk of infection can be reduced to almost zero through condoms and successful HIV therapy. Because if no more viruses are permanently detectable in the blood, transmissions do not occur.