The evangelic kindergarten "vogelnest" with its leader christine babucke designed on saturday the second advent window opening in front of the city hall in the context of a small celebration, which opened the pastor anne salzbrenner. Advent is a time for reflection, a time to calm down and think about what it’s all about, said the pastor. The children and the kindergarten team also had thoughts which they now wanted to express.
As an introduction, the kindergarten children sang the first two stanzas of the advent song "we’ll tell you about advent", before the educator michael blume read the event described in the gospel of lucas of the announcement by the angel gabriel that the virgin mary was to give birth to the son of god. The after-school children had designed the window according to this story. On this picture is also the saying of the angel "do not be afraid" when he stepped in front of maria to tell her the good news, the parent.
While the boys and girls of the daycare center enthusiastically sang the song "see the good times are here" together with the visitors singing, the chairman of the kindergarten’s parents’ association, dieter banschus, climbed up the ladder and opened the second advent window at the town hall, behind which the picture already mentioned was revealed.
Mayor andreas hugerich thanked the children for getting them in the mood for advent and emphasized the importance of doing and acting together – whether in kindergarten, in the family or in the community. After a joint "our father the pastor gave the blessing to the numerous visitors, while the children handed out little angels to the visitors.